N: Now, we'll introduce another guest. We could say they have the longest absence (to be back to this program).
T: The longest absence!?
N: The longest absence. They came back to our show after an interval of 9 and half years.
T: 9 and half year!? Wait, we've been doing this show for 10 years now, right??
N: Yes, we have.
T: They came as a guest when this program got started.
N: Yeah. This will be their first appearance after 400 episodes of Utaban.
T: 400 episodes!!
N: Please give it up for Kome Kome Club!
(The band comes into studio)
N: They came here for real.
C: Yes, it is.
N: Should I say "It's been a long time" in this circumstance !?
C: It's much more than "a long time".
N: You guys were guest for Utaban's 18th episode.
T: I don't remember it at all!!
N: Tonight is our 421st episode. I absolutely don't remember what we talked about.
C: I guess we talked about something that offered us mental sustenance. Something that was very deep...(*joking)
T: Oh, come on!! You always say random/noncommittal things as much as Junji Takada!!
C: No, no, no!! How come you say that!? (Last appearance)remains in my heart.
N: That's a lie!!
C: It's 400 episode ago from tonight, right??
N: So, It's been 10 years since Kome Kome Club's disbandment??
C: 9 years.
N: That's kinda surprising. Time flies!!
C: It's amazing coz Utaban is still around.
T: This show has become something like a comedy hour now (not a music show).
C: (A comedy hour?? )Yeah, that must be it, coz Kome Kome is on it!!
N: Let's check out the clips which featured their single CDs and their appearance on 17th episode of Utaban to know what kind of the band Kome Kome Club was.
-Shake Hip-
N: It's about 20 years ago.
-Kome Kome War-
-Funk Fujiyama-
(*Members are laughing coz "be chan" looking soooo young in the video)
(*Ishii is looking extremely sweaty in the video)
T: Fierce sweating!!
-Special Love-
(Clip of talk segment from last appearance plays)
In the clip of '97
T: Can I ask you one thing, James san?? You don't feel hot!? That coat makes you feel hot, I guess.
C: He's got fur on his back!!
N: I have never seen such an optimistic disbandment like this.
T: Who came up with disbandment first??
C: Who was it!? (Pretending like it wasn't him)
B: It's you, Teppei chan!!
C: Oh, yeah. It was me.
T: Oh, Ishii san did. But, everything is actually under the control of Bon san, right??
B: Well, not everything. Like, Teppei chan is the type who gets out of control. So, I'm just keeping the balance of this band as a leader.
C: Hey, that sounds like I was the biggest trouble in this band!! You should've told me more earlier(, then we didn't have to disband). Wish somebody stopped it...
T: (Asking it to CSI)Don't you have high-blood pressure??
C: Yeah, I started to lose my concentration!! (Saying it to Bon san) Was I trouble to you that much!?
N: Nobody but Ishii san talks on the TV show??
C: Yeah, I'm the talker of the band!! Our roles in the band have been like;
"Vocal ... James Onoda, MC ... Carl Smoky Ishii"
When the things got worse, it was
"Comedian... Carl Smoky Ishii"!!
That was one of the things that I didn't like about this band...
N: Have you ever thought about reunion??
C: Yeah, we will be reunited in May. No, no,no no!! It's just a joke!! Last time I said this, I was scolded!!
(Back to the studio)
N: So, you guys haven't change basically.
C: We haven't changed much.
N: But you guys got 9 years older, right??
C: Yes, we did.
N: Are you guys 46??
C: ...Yeah, somewhere around it.......
T: Joplin san is also 46 years old??
J: My beard is getting grey lately...
T: Joplin san, aren't you in 60s!? Are we only 1 year apart in age!? That just can't be true!!
J: No, my beard making me look older.
T: You are 60, right??
N: So, why did you guys decide to reunite??
C: Firstly, this is our 20th anniversary.
N: Since your debut, right??
C: We'd been hearing from each other. Our relationship has been good. (Pointing at Flash Kaneko and Minako) Like, we are family, so.
N: Are Flash Kanako san and Minako san lovers??
T: Are you two married!?
M: Not lovers (but a married couple)!!
T: So, it was love in the workplace??
N: (CSI is) an older brother- in-law (to Flash Kaneko).
M: At first, it was prohibited to be in love between the members though.
N: Wow, it was??
T: Oh, Minako san is older than Flash Kaneko san??
M: Yes, I am. But my age is arranged into 27 years old.
C: We intentionally stopped counting Sue Cream Sue's ages at 27.
T: (Arranging it into) 21 years old is not unnatural.
N: Yeah, having a 21-year-old kid is not unnatural for her!!
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