Monday, December 24, 2007

Translation for Utaban (July 27th, 2006) Part 1

Here is the chart...

N: Now, we'll introduce another guest. We could say they have the longest absence (to be back to this program).

T: The longest absence!?

N: The longest absence. They came back to our show after an interval of 9 and half years.

T: 9 and half year!? Wait, we've been doing this show for 10 years now, right??

N: Yes, we have.

T: They came as a guest when this program got started.

N: Yeah. This will be their first appearance after 400 episodes of Utaban.

T: 400 episodes!!

N: Please give it up for Kome Kome Club!

(The band comes into studio)

N: They came here for real.

T: Wow...

N: So, it's almost 10 years since the last appearance.

C: Yes, it is.

N: Should I say "It's been a long time" in this circumstance !?

C: It's much more than "a long time".

N: You guys were guest for Utaban's 18th episode.

T: I don't remember it at all!!

N: Tonight is our 421st episode. I absolutely don't remember what we talked about.

C: I guess we talked about something that offered us mental sustenance. Something that was very deep...(*joking)

T: Oh, come on!! You always say random/noncommittal things as much as Junji Takada!!

C: No, no, no!! How come you say that!? (Last appearance)remains in my heart.
N: That's a lie!!

C: It's 400 episode ago from tonight, right??

N: So, It's been 10 years since Kome Kome Club's disbandment??

C: 9 years.

N: That's kinda surprising. Time flies!!

C: It's amazing coz Utaban is still around.

T: This show has become something like a comedy hour now (not a music show).

C: (A comedy hour?? )Yeah, that must be it, coz Kome Kome is on it!!

N: Let's check out the clips which featured their single CDs and their appearance on 17th episode of Utaban to know what kind of the band Kome Kome Club was.

Clip titled "Kome Kome Club Single Collection" plays.

-Shake Hip-

N: It's about 20 years ago.

-Kome Kome War-
-Funk Fujiyama-

 (*Members are laughing coz "be chan" looking soooo young in the video)

C: This was shot when we were on "レコード大賞"


 (*Ishii is looking extremely sweaty in the video)

T: Fierce sweating!!

-Special Love-

(Clip of talk segment from last appearance plays)

In the clip of '97

T: Can I ask you one thing, James san?? You don't feel hot!? That coat makes you feel hot, I guess.

C: He's got fur on his back!!

N: I have never seen such an optimistic disbandment like this.

T: Who came up with disbandment first??

C: Who was it!? (Pretending like it wasn't him)

B: It's you, Teppei chan!!

C: Oh, yeah. It was me.

T: Oh, Ishii san did. But, everything is actually under the control of Bon san, right??

B: Well, not everything. Like, Teppei chan is the type who gets out of control. So, I'm just keeping the balance of this band as a leader.

C: Hey, that sounds like I was the biggest trouble in this band!! You should've told me more earlier(, then we didn't have to disband). Wish somebody stopped it...

T: (Asking it to CSI)Don't you have high-blood pressure??

C: Yeah, I started to lose my concentration!! (Saying it to Bon san) Was I trouble to you that much!?

N: Nobody but Ishii san talks on the TV show??

C: Yeah, I'm the talker of the band!! Our roles in the band have been like;

"Vocal ... James Onoda, MC ... Carl Smoky Ishii"

When the things got worse, it was

"Comedian... Carl Smoky Ishii"!!

That was one of the things that I didn't like about this band...

N: Have you ever thought about reunion??

C: Yeah, we will be reunited in May. No, no,no no!! It's just a joke!! Last time I said this, I was scolded!!

(Back to the studio)

N: So, you guys haven't change basically.

C: We haven't changed much.

N: But you guys got 9 years older, right??

C: Yes, we did.

N: Are you guys 46??

C: ...Yeah, somewhere around it.......

T: Joplin san is also 46 years old??

J: My beard is getting grey lately...

T: Joplin san, aren't you in 60s!? Are we only 1 year apart in age!? That just can't be true!!

J: No, my beard making me look older.

T: You are 60, right??

N: So, why did you guys decide to reunite??

C: Firstly, this is our 20th anniversary.

N: Since your debut, right??

C: We'd been hearing from each other. Our relationship has been good. (Pointing at Flash Kaneko and Minako) Like, we are family, so.

N: Are Flash Kanako san and Minako san lovers??

T: Are you two married!?

M: Not lovers (but a married couple)!!

T: So, it was love in the workplace??

N: (CSI is) an older brother- in-law (to Flash Kaneko).

C: I am.

M: At first, it was prohibited to be in love between the members though.

N: Wow, it was??

T: Oh, Minako san is older than Flash Kaneko san??

M: Yes, I am. But my age is arranged into 27 years old.

C: We intentionally stopped counting Sue Cream Sue's ages at 27.

T: (Arranging it into) 21 years old is not unnatural.

N: Yeah, having a 21-year-old kid is not unnatural for her!!

M: That is so true!!

Continued onto Part2...

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