Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Greeting from K2C Web Archive

Hello, everybody.
As a webmiss of K2C Web Archive, I present this for you.
I translated Kome Kome Club's appearance on Utaban of July 27th of 2006.
*THX for your request, hikky and sorry for kept you waiting!!

I love this episode!! Coz Ishii, Taka san and Nakai kun are just joking around during most of the time, lol, and Ryo-J is SOOOOOO CUTE♡

It's NOT a very easy job for me to translate Japanese into English. At least for me, Japanese is tricky language!!

I am not good @ translating, so I'm sure there are some parts that make no sense to you. So, excuse my lame translation X(
If you need to ask me question, please ask me from comment or by an E-mail.

for Utaban translation Part 1 click HERE.
for Utaban translation Part 2 click HERE.
for Utaban translation Part 3 click HERE.

Or you can simply scroll down to see this series in order.

I hope everyone will have a Wonderful Christmas!!
Webmiss Nami


Anonymous said...

Your work is ☆AMAZING☆, really!!
You are soo ♥WONDERFUL♥ Nami!! Thanks again!!♥♥♥

Webmiss Nami said...

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that♡ Your sweet comment made me SUPER HAPPY!!!!

THX so much for reading this series :)

If you have any question, you can ask me. Don't hasitate!!