Hey, guys!! Our favorite band did wonderful on Today's Kouhaku :)
Yes, the costumes/wardrobes were "chic" !!
I don't write the details right now coz there are a lot of people haven't watched the show yet.
Just wanted to tell they did great!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
K2C did AWESOME on 紅白
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
5:03 AM
Labels: Media Related
Countdown for 紅白!!
The Annual 58th Kouhaku soon will be kicked off!!
CSI was on TV show called "紅白フラッシュ 当日スペシャル" today, and was asked about what kind of costume/wardrobe are they going to wear on the stage.
He said it's going to be "CHIC".
Mmm....... "chic"!?!?
I didn't expect that!!
Well, anywayz, I'm so excited for Kome Kome Club's Kouhaku performance!!!!
Good Luck, K2C!!!!!
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
12:21 AM
Labels: Media Related
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wanna Watch Last Symposium??
Digest ver of Kome Kome Club's concert Last Symposium is now available on Japanese video streaming site, GyaO.
It's in 1hr 4 min length excluding commercials.
Video is available till January 31st, 2008
Here is the link.
You have to register in order to watch the video!!
Random screenshots...
(I didn't know where to take screenshots... Anywayz, here are four pix.)
!! Slides from RockYou.com are not shown properly lately. So, HERE is the direct link of the slideshow just in case...
*Source : Kome Kome Club's Official Web Site
This is not a direct link!!
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
4:12 AM
Labels: Media Info
New Year Greetings from K2C
A New Year's greeting card from Kome Kome Club will be posted onto following site.
You can download the it, also can win the actual greeting card written by K2C.
Winternet '07-'08
The card will be available from January 1st, 2008!!
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
3:25 AM
Labels: Media Appearance
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Appearence for 紅白フラッシュ
According to Kome Kome Club's official web site, Carl Smoky will be on TV, Japanese time tomorrow.
Title of the show ; 紅白フラッシュ
Date ; December 26th
Time 8:43pm-8:45
The show will be uped onto the section of Kohaku Official Web Site.
So, be sure to check the link later.
Link to the page is HERE
*Source : Kome Kome Club's Official Web Site.
*These are not direct links.
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
5:16 AM
Labels: Media Appearance
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Greeting from K2C Web Archive
Hello, everybody.
As a webmiss of K2C Web Archive, I present this for you.
I translated Kome Kome Club's appearance on Utaban of July 27th of 2006.
*THX for your request, hikky and sorry for kept you waiting!!
I love this episode!! Coz Ishii, Taka san and Nakai kun are just joking around during most of the time, lol, and Ryo-J is SOOOOOO CUTE♡
It's NOT a very easy job for me to translate Japanese into English. At least for me, Japanese is tricky language!!
I am not good @ translating, so I'm sure there are some parts that make no sense to you. So, excuse my lame translation X(
If you need to ask me question, please ask me from comment or by an E-mail.
for Utaban translation Part 1 click HERE.
for Utaban translation Part 2 click HERE.
for Utaban translation Part 3 click HERE.
Or you can simply scroll down to see this series in order.
I hope everyone will have a Wonderful Christmas!!
Webmiss Nami
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
2:38 AM
Labels: Seasonal Greetings
Translation for Utaban (July 27th, 2006) Part 1

N: Now, we'll introduce another guest. We could say they have the longest absence (to be back to this program).
T: The longest absence!?
N: The longest absence. They came back to our show after an interval of 9 and half years.
T: 9 and half year!? Wait, we've been doing this show for 10 years now, right??
N: Yes, we have.
T: They came as a guest when this program got started.
N: Yeah. This will be their first appearance after 400 episodes of Utaban.
T: 400 episodes!!
N: Please give it up for Kome Kome Club!
(The band comes into studio)
N: They came here for real.
C: Yes, it is.
N: Should I say "It's been a long time" in this circumstance !?
C: It's much more than "a long time".
N: You guys were guest for Utaban's 18th episode.
T: I don't remember it at all!!
N: Tonight is our 421st episode. I absolutely don't remember what we talked about.
C: I guess we talked about something that offered us mental sustenance. Something that was very deep...(*joking)
T: Oh, come on!! You always say random/noncommittal things as much as Junji Takada!!
C: No, no, no!! How come you say that!? (Last appearance)remains in my heart.
N: That's a lie!!
C: It's 400 episode ago from tonight, right??
N: So, It's been 10 years since Kome Kome Club's disbandment??
C: 9 years.
N: That's kinda surprising. Time flies!!
C: It's amazing coz Utaban is still around.
T: This show has become something like a comedy hour now (not a music show).
C: (A comedy hour?? )Yeah, that must be it, coz Kome Kome is on it!!
N: Let's check out the clips which featured their single CDs and their appearance on 17th episode of Utaban to know what kind of the band Kome Kome Club was.
-Shake Hip-
N: It's about 20 years ago.
-Kome Kome War-
-Funk Fujiyama-
(*Members are laughing coz "be chan" looking soooo young in the video)
(*Ishii is looking extremely sweaty in the video)
T: Fierce sweating!!
-Special Love-
(Clip of talk segment from last appearance plays)
In the clip of '97
T: Can I ask you one thing, James san?? You don't feel hot!? That coat makes you feel hot, I guess.
C: He's got fur on his back!!
N: I have never seen such an optimistic disbandment like this.
T: Who came up with disbandment first??
C: Who was it!? (Pretending like it wasn't him)
B: It's you, Teppei chan!!
C: Oh, yeah. It was me.
T: Oh, Ishii san did. But, everything is actually under the control of Bon san, right??
B: Well, not everything. Like, Teppei chan is the type who gets out of control. So, I'm just keeping the balance of this band as a leader.
C: Hey, that sounds like I was the biggest trouble in this band!! You should've told me more earlier(, then we didn't have to disband). Wish somebody stopped it...
T: (Asking it to CSI)Don't you have high-blood pressure??
C: Yeah, I started to lose my concentration!! (Saying it to Bon san) Was I trouble to you that much!?
N: Nobody but Ishii san talks on the TV show??
C: Yeah, I'm the talker of the band!! Our roles in the band have been like;
"Vocal ... James Onoda, MC ... Carl Smoky Ishii"
When the things got worse, it was
"Comedian... Carl Smoky Ishii"!!
That was one of the things that I didn't like about this band...
N: Have you ever thought about reunion??
C: Yeah, we will be reunited in May. No, no,no no!! It's just a joke!! Last time I said this, I was scolded!!
(Back to the studio)
N: So, you guys haven't change basically.
C: We haven't changed much.
N: But you guys got 9 years older, right??
C: Yes, we did.
N: Are you guys 46??
C: ...Yeah, somewhere around it.......
T: Joplin san is also 46 years old??
J: My beard is getting grey lately...
T: Joplin san, aren't you in 60s!? Are we only 1 year apart in age!? That just can't be true!!
J: No, my beard making me look older.
T: You are 60, right??
N: So, why did you guys decide to reunite??
C: Firstly, this is our 20th anniversary.
N: Since your debut, right??
C: We'd been hearing from each other. Our relationship has been good. (Pointing at Flash Kaneko and Minako) Like, we are family, so.
N: Are Flash Kanako san and Minako san lovers??
T: Are you two married!?
M: Not lovers (but a married couple)!!
T: So, it was love in the workplace??
N: (CSI is) an older brother- in-law (to Flash Kaneko).
M: At first, it was prohibited to be in love between the members though.
N: Wow, it was??
T: Oh, Minako san is older than Flash Kaneko san??
M: Yes, I am. But my age is arranged into 27 years old.
C: We intentionally stopped counting Sue Cream Sue's ages at 27.
T: (Arranging it into) 21 years old is not unnatural.
N: Yeah, having a 21-year-old kid is not unnatural for her!!
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
2:24 AM
Labels: Translation for TV show
Translation for Utaban (July 27th, 2006) Part 2

(Continued from Part 1)
N: Until when will you guys do this band?? Will you keep doing the band??
C: This reunion is for limited time only. We'll quit after the live tour in October.
T: After the tour in October, you guys gonna be split again??
C: Yeah, we are planning it to be.
T: Come on!! You guys finally reunited!!
N: Why don't you guys keep on doing??
C: Yeah............. Hmm........... Yes......
T: You really aren't in the mood (for keep on doing the band)!!
N: What do you really wanna do, Ishii san??
C: Like, we are not young anymore. (Pointing Tokuno)We have a 60-year-old member in the band,too!!
And, somebody might be gone (*dead) next year. (So, we can't say for sure to say "we will carry on")
T: (If you'll disband again,) you guys will meet each other only at funerals for members!!!!! Saying something like "Wish we could meet on some happy occasions....."
All the members break into laugh.
C: Yeah, could be.
N: Do it at you guys' own pace, maybe like once a year or so. Just do the music whatever you guys want to.
C: That sounds a good idea... What a solid opinion!!
N: Coz!! It's kinda waste(if you'll disband again)... I really like you guys♡
C: Many people in the front lines (of the showbiz industry) told us that they were fans of us.
They also told us that "Please do the Kome Kome again". That encouraged us to reunite.
T: You guys should not brake up again, should you??
N: I guess there's something that they can tell directly (to each other), so we've got "totalizers" here.
I think this will reveal the clear facts about the band. You wanna go first, Taka san??
(*Totalizer is something like this. Each member holds a small switch in their hands and push them to answer the questions.)
T: (Reads a question) "We could reunite finally, so let's not say it's a limited time reunion!! Let's keep on doing this band"
N: Good question. This question could change their minds...
5 said "Yes"
T: See??
C: Half of the band wants to (carry on).
N: This means 4 of you guys are thinking "I wanna quit after the 7 months of limited reunion!!"
T: But, you want to keep on doing, right, Joplin san??
J: Yeah, I'm old so (I don't want to break up again)...
C: Actually, Tokuno's apperarence hasn't changed much. He just looks older.
N: He is the type of a person who doesn't look different 10 years later.
C: James san and Joplin Tokuno haven't changed actually.
B: They looked older even when they were students.
C: They did.
N: I get embarrassed when I watch my past appearances (because I've changed so much), and go like "Please don't watch them!!".
I thought it was very cool when I watched your clips.
C: Not.....really....
T: (Reads a question)"After these 10 years, everybody got mellower(*more calm)".
3 said "Yes"
T: That means there are some people didn't get milder.
N: (Asks a question)"That is Ishii san who had not got mellower".
4 said "Yes"
N: Ishii san!! 4 thinks like that.
T: From the clip from 9 and half year ago, it was obvious you totally pissed off at that time!!
C: Totally I was.
T: You were like "I just wanna quit Kome Kome immediately!!!!".
C: I guess I was kind of fatigued...
N: (Reads a question) "I have had part-time job(s) after the band disbanded"
1 said "Yes"
T: There is one person who has(Saying it to CSI).
N: You hadn't have any part-time jobs. Have you Ishii san??
C: Hey, our job (*the showbiz) is something like part-time jobs!!
T; But, there is somebody who needed to have a part-time job for make his living. Right, Ryo-J san??
You were a delivery person for the food-catering shop??
R: Yes, I was. I also was a cook for that shop.
T: (*He knows which shop Ryo-J worked for, which is 金兵衛.) The shop which serves good sablefish, right??
R: Yes, it is.
T: That shop delivers a lunch with little macaroni salad, doesn't it??
R: Yes. You are quite familiar with the shop!!
T: That shop delivers lunches to the studios for glittering showbiz world. (Pretending as a "used-to-be-a-star delivery guy"↓↓ )
"Good morning, here is your order. Could you put your signature here?? [Ahhhh, I used to be in this kind of places.....] Thank you very much for your order!!"
N: What do you feel after you heard this?? You didn't give him any care??
C: Hey, wait!! Is it my fault if Ryo-J works at catering shop!?
(*Ryo-J is going like, "No!! No!!")
T: What are you going to do if somebody lose their jobs when you guys disband again??
J: Yeah, that's a problem...
T: Ishii san will be fine, but... you two (Flash Kaneko and Minako) are married couple, right?? That means you guys have to make living as a family. So, if the band get disbanded again...
M: Indeed!! Indeed!! I don't know how can we make our living!!
T: Right. You have to care about your younger sister!!
N: That's right.
C: Why don't we talk about something more interesting instead of financial hardships!?
T: I told you, this program is like a comedy hour!!
C: No, no, no!! Coz (that topic is) not funny!!
Continued onto Part 3...
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
2:23 AM
Labels: Translation for TV show
Translation for Utaban (July 27th, 2006) Part 3

(Continued from Part 2)
T: Alright, I'll ask you one more question. (*Pretend like the question was in the script from the first) "I don't want to make sablefish lunch or ginger pork lunch at catering shop again"
C: Hey, that's not on the list!!
3 said "No"
C: There are 3!?
JO: Number got bigger!!
C: We came back after the 400 episodes. So, let's talk something more special.
T: We just don't want you to disband.
C: We've been talking about catering shop for a while!! There are another things we can talk about.
Like, "Hey, Kome Kome's new single sounds very nice" or "That must be so hard to play that fast beats on the drums!!"
N: (Reads a question)"Our new single is good"
9 said "Yes"
N: Okay. I guess a lot thing happened in these 9 years (So, I'll ask this question). "It is very nice feeling to get back together again"
9 said "Yes"
N: That's wonderful!!
C: Yeah.
T&N: That's why we are saying you guys should carry on.
C: Hmmm...... Yeah... Hopefully....... You'll never know what gonna happen in the showbiz(so, we can't say for sure).
N: Ishii san!! You are so unwilling to carry on!!
T: Why are you being so negative about keep on doing??
C: I'm not!!
N: (Reads a question)"I don't want this band to be disbanded again"
8 said "No"
T: Wow!!
N: One is missing!! (Pointing at CSI)
C: No, no, no!!
N: That's terrible!! You can't do that!! Things were going fine with answers for last few questions!!
C: Nakai kun, that's just not fair!! You've been watching my finger (not to push the button). It's not fair.
T: We just want you guys to carry on. That what your fans are wishing, too.
N: Right.
T: (Asking it to Minako)You have to wear skirt and show your legs... That's getting kinda tough(for your age), right??
(*Japanese people call somebody's husband as "Danna san", which literally means just "husband" I guess there is no expression like this in English. So, I translated as Hubby.)
C: Would you please stop saying stuff like keeping people away from coming to our concerts in September?? I'm asking you!!
T: Don't you think so, too, Hubby??
C: Hey, could you please not to call him "Hubby" when he's on TV!? Don't call our members as Hubby or Grandpa(*Saying about Tokuno)!!
N: So, Hubby is...
C: Hey(Quit calling him "Hubby")!!
C: Everything was going so wonderful until we watched the clips.
We came here as a guest, and Nakai san welcomed us saying "Please give it up for Kome Kome Club!!" And we came into this studio with this jaunty white cloths...
T: You're acting like Yo Oizumi!! Yo Oizumi always gets pissed off(when he comes this show as a guest), saying "That's just wrong!! You guys have to praise me, I'm a guest!!"
C: Oh, alright, it's structural elements of the show... Then, that can't be helped.
N: Don't worry. I really like you guys♡
C: This kind of (praising) parts should be aired♡
T: Wait, Bon san is a leader of the band, right??
M: Yes, he is.
B: You are in charge of leader!! You have to try very hard!!
T: You should not let Ishii san take this much of initiative.
C: Wait!! That sounds like I'm poking my nose in his business!!
B: Teppei chan is very moody person.
C: Yeah, I am.
B: So, we are saying "Let's think about keep on doing the band only if our audience really enjoyed our stages for tour in autumn"
T: So many people are coming to your concerts, right??
N: They must have gotten huge expectations.
B: We are nervous for sure.
T: What are you nervous about??
B: Coz we have blank period for these 9 years.
C: Yeah, the blank period.
T: (Saying it to Tokuno)Oh, it got harder to move your hands and stuff (from aging), right??
C: Why do you have to digress from the subject (to aging)!?
T: And you (Minako) go like "(My legs used to be flexible, so) I could reach them more higher..."
M: Oh, please stop it... It's a serious matter for me...
N: What he saying has too much reality??
C: (Yelling to Minako) How come you answer to his joke so seriously!?
THX for reading!!
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
2:22 AM
Labels: Translation for TV show
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Song for Kohaku has been Announced
Kome Kome Club is going to perform for this year's Kohaku,
And according to NHK, song which K2C will perform for the program has been announced.
If you don't wish to know, then please don't read this entry......
It's titled that "「愛君浪漫」"
It's obviously a medley containing 3 songs.
Yup, you can guess it from Kanji letters which are used.
I know 2 songs for sure, they must be "君がいるだけで" and "浪漫飛行"
But I don't know which song is "愛" standing for.
Kome Kome Club has 7 songs which its titles start from the letter "愛".
On Kohaku, musicians perform the songs which are most famous, or represent what they are most.
(Technically, musician has no choice for picking which songs to perform. Cause NHK decides them!! Isn't it so weird??)
So, my guess would be "愛してる", "愛 know マジック" or "愛の歯ブラシセット".
Too bad that they'll perform the songs from '80s and '90s...
Well, but I guess it's always better than nothing.
So, I'm looking forward to see them perform in New Year's Eve.
*Source Kohaku Official Web Page.
*The link is not a direct link.
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
5:04 AM
Labels: Media Appearance
Friday, December 14, 2007
Tokuyan #20 has been uped
After a long absence, Tokuyan is finally back!!
Now you can watch Kome Kome Club's "Internet TV Tokuyan (#20)" on their Official Website or HERE.
On this episode, you can check the preview for upcoming DVD-Box "KOMEMORYⅢ"
It's a short clip, but it's really good!!
Here is the pix from the video.
Screenshots were taken by me and the video is CREDITED by 2007 Sony Music Inc. .
*Sourse: Kome Kome Club's Official Website.
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
5:52 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Buy 広島音楽本5 now!!
Kome Kome Club performed for several Summer Festivals this year, and Sound Marina was one of them.
(Sound Marina is popular Summer Fes in Hiroshima, Japan.)
Hiroshiman local magazine, 広島音楽本 features the stage-shots and backstage-shots of Sound Marina 2007. You can purchase it @ AMAZON or "h ttp://wink-shop.com/winkjaken/7.1/WHM0012" .
K2C totally ROCKED da place!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bought 2 copies of this magazine.
I took the pic of the backstage-shot from this magazine with my phonecam.
So, it's in poor quality but check it if you want...↓↓
If you need to contact webmiss Nami about this entry/post, please send email to following address;
Link for Slideshow is HERE.
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
9:10 AM
K2C's Tour will be on TV
As a result of success of the compilation album "R35", SkyPerfecTV! (Japanese satellite TV) is going to air some TV programs which featured artists from that CD.
Kome Kome Club will be featured on a program at Pay-Per-View channel on the SkyPerfectTV! in January.
The program will air the digest version of 3 kinds of live tours after the reunion; "アトノマツリ", "マエノマツリ" and "ホントマツリ".
I guess everything you'll see on that show is from KOMEMORYⅢanyways!!
So, purchasing KOMEMORYⅢ is strongly recommended.
Well, here is the detail on this program.
- Title 「R35祭り 米米CLUB凝縮!感激祭」スカパー!
- Date January 14th, 2008
- Time 10:00pm - 11:00pm
- Chennel ch.162 パーフェクト・チョイス/e2byスカパー! ch.800 スカチャン・ハイビジョン
Sourse: "h ttp://natalie.mu/news/show/id/4520" ナタリー
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
7:35 AM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
米米CLUB will be on 紅白!!!!!!!
Kome Kome Club will perform for this year's 紅白歌合戦 (Kohaku Uta Gassen, a very famous annual music show on New Year's Eve)
It's 7:20pm - 11:45pm of December 31st!!
This is fifth time for K2C to be on this show.
I just can't wait what they'll sing.
Here is the info from K2C's official Website.
「紅白歌合戦」に出場! (2007.12.4)
Official Website for Kohaku is HERE
*Credits Kome Kome Club's Official Web and Kohaku Official Web.
*These are not direct links.
Posted by
Webmiss Nami
2:12 AM
Labels: Media Appearance