Hi, people.
Sorry for the lack of updates.
Here is info on TV show.
*PLEASE RE-CHECK the info again by YOURSELF coz I might be wrong!!
Title of the show ; ポップジャム (POP JAM) ep#8
Channel ; 第一興商スターカラオケ ch. 267 on SkyPerfecTV
Date ; November 4th
Time ; 10:00pm - 11:00pm
November 13th 10:00pm - 11:00pm
November 20th 10:00pm - 11:00pm
November 27th 10:00pm - 11:00pm
This show was originally aired in March 1st of 1997,
right before their disbandment!!
The show features 3 live performances by K2C, their history,
and some secret stories from before they got together as a band.
Other guest starrings w/
ウルフルズ(ULFULS), 森高千里(Chisato Moritaka) and 古内東子(Tohko Furuuchi)
If you can watch the show,
Be sure not to miss it!!
第一興商カラオケ総合情報サイト(NOT a Direct Link)
*All homepage address I provide here are NOT direct links.
Simply put "h" before "ttp://"
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