Thursday, July 17, 2008 Launched!!

Special website for Kome Kome Club's upcoming Single CD "080808" has launched today.
Visit a Direct Link) now!!

You can listen to clips from the CD, "080808" and "Carl and James" on that web and check the detail on release events.

The site is still lots to come.
It will contain "Movie" and "Special" section!!

Here is the screenshot.

So, make sure to check this website!!

Kome Kome Club's Official Web Site(NOT A Direct Link)

*All of homepage address I provide here are NOT direct links.
Simply put "h" before "ttp://"

Feel free to email me :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pre-Order 080808 + KOMEMORYⅡtogether!!

Hi, there!!
I was checking Sony Music Shop to pre-order KOMEMORYⅡ,
and I found out they offer you a BONUS POSTER!!

To get a free poster, you need to purchase K2C's single "080808" together.

HERE(NOT A DIRECT LINK) is the link for this product.

This product is only available in Japan.

Sony Music Shop
*All of homepage address I provide here are NOT direct links.
Simply put "w" after "://"

Feel free to email me :)